From Roxi's mom, Veronica Rice: "Just an update on "Miss" Roxi. We call her that because she is quite the spoiled lady. She likes to ride and we no problem when we take trips to Maryland, Greensboro and PA to see our children and grandchildren. She likes to be hand fed and we accomidate her. She is jealous of my husband and very protective of her home. The only thing about her is that she thinks our bed is hers. She is shown here in her hotel bed during a week-end trip to Williamsburg, VA."
I wanted to update you on Ginger. (This is Teddy's sister). She is about 9 months old now and growing like a weed! She is so very smart and loves to go on long walks. Obedience training was a breeze with her; however it all goes out the window when she gets near a body of water. She absolutely loves to swim! She is the apple of our eyes. Curious about her breed mix, I had the canine heritage breed test done. It turns out that no Chow shows up in her DNA. She has 25-50% Labrador Retriever (Yellow -Red Fox, obviously), and no less than 25% Australian Shepherd. Her ancestry shows minuscule amounts of Doberman, Beagle, and Border Collie. Her behavior is very much, lab. She's the best dog ever! Thank you for her."
Julie and Jamie Dilday
Timmy and Savannah
Ann Cooke writes about the two new additions to her family, Timmy Joe and Savannah Ann:
"Wanted to send some pictures of Timmy and Savannah, as they have gotten over their sickness and are bouncing and playing everywhere! It is lots of fun and always a circus around here, as I'm sure you can imagine. Jill is also having a good time. She is "mothering" them all the time. It has been really neat to watch them interact and instincts taking over. The kittens will "talk" to me when I come in the door like Jill does and when I open the door in the morning to let them out, as if they are saying "good morning mommy".
Millie and Waffles
Ashley Holloman writes: "a few months after adopting waffles, kirk and i wanted to adopt another pet. we went back to paws and found millie. she was so spunky and energetic she made us laugh. we had to get her. we brought her home and she fit in perfectly. we were told waffles disliked dogs (because she lost half of her tail to one) but as millie was laying down to take a nap waffles got curious and they ended up napping together the whole day! she is still just as hyper as ever but now that its cooler out she enjoys playing outside. she has even more fun now that she has her doggy friend, mindy! i will send pictures of mindy when i take some more. ive never seen two dogs get so close in such a short amount of time! so far all of our adoptions have been a bigger success than we planned. thank you!"